4th Generation

Donald Robert Sewell 1979-2004
Don was the first born son to James and JoAnne, and along with his brother Brian took a keen interest in farming early on. Growing up around the family farm, he was always involved in operation activities tagging along with his Grandpa and Dad, or playing with tractors and farm toys at home. This love of farming led to future plans of running a farm with Brian one day.
Don was also a Journeyman Water Well Driller by trade and worked for Peter Niemans Drilling in High River for many years while remaining involved at the farm.
In 2003 Don bought his first quarter, right beside the origional home quarter purchased by Gordon Sewell in 1916. This is a huge milestone for any next generation farmer and he proudly seeded and harvested his first crop that year.
On January 4, 2004, his 25th birthday, Don was tragically killed in a car accident.
Immediately the future of the family farm looked very different and running the operation without his presence, thoughts and ideas, and crazy fun loving spirit never gets easier. Everyday we remember him and think about what it would be like if he was still here. We proudly run our family farm in his memory and with gratitude and respect for how fragile life can be.